Safe Son Pressure Roof Washing

Soft Roof Washing was specifically designed as a highly effective and minimally invasive replacement cleaning method in place of pressure cleaning. Soft Wash relies on powerful, eco-friendly chemicals that kill mold, mildew, algae, and other bacterial contaminants that degrade roofs, while also serving as a cleaning solution that dissolves dirt and grime. The mild wash solution not only kills harmful roof contaminants, but also leaves a growth-inhibiting residue on the shingles that helps prevent future fungal growth.

¿Why does my roof look black?

If your roof appears black or has dark stripes, it is most likely feeding on algae, lichen or moss. This black algae, also known as Gloeocapsa Magma, thrives in the hot, humid climates of Florida and usually grows on the north side of the roof.

The longer the algae remains untreated, the more it weakens the roof. Over time, it decreases the roof’s ability to reflect heat rays, weakens the wood, reduces curb appeal, and increases your home’s cooling costs.

Extended life

Dirtier roofs attract more sunlight due to their dark color. This not only makes your home warmer, but it also ages your roof prematurely. The same can apply to the siding on your home. Additionally, bacteria, algae, and moss will contribute to the degradation of your home and decrease the lifespan by up to 50 percent. Gentle washing not only cleans your home, but also preserves it and prolongs its life. Plus, who wouldn’t want their roof, siding, and deck to survive for a long time?